Autoimmune disorders a group of disorders having common pathogenesis- the immune system mistakenly / overactive immune responses against antigens which are part of body normally and destroys healthy body tissue.This may be restricted to certain organs as in chagas disease or involve a particular tissue in different places like in Good-pasture’s disease which may affect the basement membrane in both the lungs and the kidneys.
The symptoms of autoimmune disease vary depending on the involvement of organ/ tissue types as well as the person’s immune system interactivity.
Ayurveda Possibilities in Reversing the autoimmune disorders
Ayurvedic point of view these are metabolic disorders and or as a result of accumulation of disease causing toxins. It is possible to reverse autoimmune disorders with ayurveda herbs by improving nature the digestive-metabolic activities at various levels & by making immune system intelligent , similar kind of disease process involved in AMAVATA type of disease manifestation which is the out come of vitiation of vata & kapha which have a nos of antagonist properties.The causes of These categories of diseases are Adhyasanna,viruddha-ahara sevana, beejabaga dusti, vishama-agni & can be reversed with the help of ayurveda medicines , personalized way of life style & by following the suitable dietary stuff & behavior. Fasting & by avoiding in-between eating are the dietary behaviors that help in reversing the disease process involved in various autoimmune disorders like
Ankylosing Spondylitis ,
Ulcerative colitis ,
Nephrotic Syndrome ,
Sarcoidosis ,
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus ,
Psoriasis ,
Vitiligo .
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