Ayurveda Principles of Treatments

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Ayurveda Principles of Treatments

The quantum of doshas, bala [physical- mental- resistance- power], agni-bala [digestive & metabolic-capacity] & Prakriti [genetic- makeup] are the main factors on the basis of which treatment modalities are decided. If quantum of doshas is more in person of good bala than Panchakarma / ShodhanaTherapy[Detoxification Process] therapy is selected & is done to prevent the manifestation of disease & as a part of disease reversing process in acute disease conditions.

If quantum of doshas is less whatever the state of bala, and if state of bala is poor in-spite of that the more quantum of doshas then Shamana Therapy is selected. Its also selected in childhood, old age, pregnancy, lactating- mothers even in a disease state where Panchakarma therapy can be done,

Shamana Therapy [Internal Medicine]

The goal of Shamana therapy is to cure the manifested disorder; both any side effect is achieved through the help of four pillars, which are true in this era also

a) An ideal physician with clear grasp of theoretical knowledge, wide practical experience and skills, purity of mind and body.
b) An attendant or nurse with knowledge of nursing, skill, affection for the patient and cleanliness.
c) A patient shall be obedient, ability to describe his ailment and courageous
d) The drug should be to alleviate the disease without any side effects.

Three Clinical Motives of Ayurveda Therapeutics

Roganashini– Alleviation of disease
Prakritisthapini– Regain of health status and maintenance
Urajaskara therapy – Promotion of health status & augmentation of immune status

This is achieved by selection of proper drug, diet regimen depending upon the nature of disease and diseased from major six principles of mechanics

a. Hetuviparita [Antagonist to the nature of etiological factors to neutralize them]
b. Vyadhiviparita [To reverse the pathogenesis of disease]
c. Hetuvyadhiviparita [combination of 1 + 2]
d. Hetutadarthakari [Agonist to the nature of etiological factors]
e. Vyadhitadarthakari [The medicine that can produce the similar type of disease.
f. Hetuvyadhitadarthabari [Combination of 4 + 5]

It is interesting that one/ other lines of treatments are used to treat various disorders in various systems of medicine but in Ayurveda theses are selected in an integral way depending on the nature of disease & diseased . Following these principles (Hetutadarthakari) the vaccines are developed & homeopathy is based on the same principle.

In Ayurveda the drugs are not from synthetic source or having single molecule which affect a particular system in a positive way and other in negative way and secondly disease are not produced in laboratories but from our surroundings and life style and hence mechanism of manifestation of any disease is a complex phenomenon ; whereas in Ayurveda natural elements are involved which are part and partial of normal physiological functions ,pathogenesis and effect or mechanism of drug action is described on the basis of effects on these imbalanced elements, and this natural complex phenomenon are understood on the basis of same fundamentals and hence the drug are more effective and safe in more complex diseases or disease which have multisystemic effects. Means when a drug from a natural source is ingested, if Rasa first of all get manifested and its Rasa acts on target tissues and during the process its Vipaka process takes place and this portion of drug also works on the target tissues. During this process the most potent active principles also available for action to check the disease process thus any drug may have these three functional entities and combined effect of these three or may have cure the disease through prabhava. Thus, the mechanism of action of natural drug a very complex and multi component actions hence combat the disease without any side effects. During the selection of drug following factors related to drugs are taken into consideration.

Prakriti – Composition of drugs (nature of drug)
Guna – Physio-chemical,pharmacological Properties
Prabhava – Specific activity
Ritu – The season of collection [phytochemistry]
Samskara – Processing to prepare a selected convenient dosage form
Matra –Proper dose depending on the state & Prakriti of the patient
Samyoga – Combination with other herbs while formulating

This is not the case that the actions of these natural products can only be understood in terms of rasa, guna and virya etc but these activities described in Ayurvedic texts are hold true on modern parameters also e.g. Curcumin (Haridra) is recommenced in Ayurveda to decrease swellings and pain, curcumin isolated from it in inhibit prostaglandin synthesis (anti-inflammatory effect), kauncha (Mucuna puriens) used in Parkinson contains L-dopa which is a neurotransmitter; the deficiency of it causes the same disorder.

Rasayana Therapy, This is a more specialized branch of medicine, the parallel approach of this typical therapy not available in modern medicine. According to this the inherent physiological –psychological- immune- status of body or particular system is enhanced so that minor use of disease causing factors or outbreak of any communicable disease (Janpadodwansa) could not create any disease; not only that, it is capable to create positivity of mind, physical status or working capability of body can also be improved. This process is also known as kayakalpa –creation of new capability inside the body and mind.

During this process after alleviation of minor disease and improving the status of digestion and metabolism Panchakarma therapy, completely or partially is given and Rasayana drug is given to induce kayakalpa.For regeneration Ropana & Bringhana Panchakarma therapeutics & drugs are advised that might stimulate the stem cells naturally within the system to repair/ rejuvenate/ regenerate that particular organ/system.

VazikaranaTherapy, Vajikarana means to infuse the power like horse in a person. The main aim of this therapeutic measure is to improve the Health status of reproductive system & regenerative mechanisms

To improve the quality of performance
b. To infuse positive approach towards sexuality
c. To improve health of cells related to reproduction
d. To improve the quality of gametes
e. To eradicate the disorders related to reproductive system
f. To regenerate the damaged cells of any particular organ/ system

After complete purification of body personalized Vajikarana diet and drug regimen is described to improve the status of functioning of reproductive system both in male and female e.g shatavari, ashoka, lodra, kauncha, pipali for females and ashwagandha, shilajatu, kauncha, mushali, akarkara, bhalalaka etc for male reproductive system.

Cure Diseases Concept of Disease Genesis Ayurveda Principles of Treatments

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